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2909 East Arkansas Lane Ste C Arlington TX 76010

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Our Location

2909 East Arkansas Lane Ste C Arlington TX 76010

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Because You Can
Never Be Too Cautious!

It’s the best Audit Assistance program in the industry. Not only do we relieve the tax professional of audit headaches, we also offer up to $2,500 (Excludes: SD, TN, WY, and Puerto Rico) in reimbursement in the event of a legitimate preparer error.

When You Receive an IRS Notice,
Don’t Panic - Protection Plus Can Help

Protection Plus provides taxpayers and tax professionals with industry-leading audit assistance services, including tax fraud assistance, tax debt relief, taxpayer ID assistance, and more. With over a decade of experience and more than one million customers, our professionals have the expertise to resolve all your tax issues, big and small.

Facing an IRS inquiry or audit? Need help with a rejected ITIN? Suspect a tax fraud incident, but not sure what to do about it?

Let Protection Plus Handle All That and More

Our range of comprehensive services include:

*Subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and
exclusions outlined in the Tax Reimbursement Program Terms and Conditions.

How To File A Claim?

In order to provide the best audit assistance, we need a copy of the complete tax
return and each page of the correspondence received from the IRS. These documents
can be sent to our office in one of three ways: